For “from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen” (Romans 11:36).
May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word. 2 Thess. 2:16-17
A job change took over my life. I knew I had made the right decision to leave my old job, and I still stand by this decision. However, the new job did not align with my way of life. Why did God let this happen? What lesson should I learn from this?
I was learning the importance of a well-balanced life. As I worked long hours, evenings, and weekends, work took over my life. I became spiritually drained.
Prayer became a chore. I was mentally and physically exhausted. The work was fast-paced and productivity-oriented, with little time to encourage fellowship with my clients and coworkers. I was losing a sense of my purpose in life.
Suddenly the word “Equilibrium” came to mind. The Lord was telling me to find my balance. But how do we find equilibrium in life – in a goal and productivity-oriented life? We must decide how we will prioritize our lives. For me, it is God first, family and friends next, work, and hobbies. When this order is disturbed, my life becomes unstable. As I recognized the instability of my life and the difficulty of praying, I reached out to my spiritual community, asking for prayers for the Lord’s guidance and deliverance. Through prayer and family support, it became clear that a job change was necessary, regardless of the cost. God was so merciful that I got a new job after the first interview. I felt immediate relief.
I was connected, once more, to my Lord and my family.
I encourage everyone to pray to the Lord for balance in life. Having a well-balanced life helps us stay healthy, peaceful, and purposeful. If I did not know my priorities - God first, then family, followed by work, I probably would not have recognized so early that my life was not balancing correctly. Within a month at the old job, I realized something was wrong. With God’s grace and strength, I acted in faith to move on.
Of course, one must contend with a fear of failure. I was concerned about what others would think of me, but we all must personally answer to God and do what is best for us. I invite everyone to stand firm in the conviction to not compromise our relationship with God and not neglect our family, health, and sense of who we are. A decision about leaving a job is never easy, but following Christ requires sacrifices. Let go and let God.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me love you first above all things. In your name, I pray. Amen.